The easiest way to check

your herbicide fungicide insecticide seed prices!

Guarantee the competitiveness of your suppliers' prices, or invite numerous suppliers to bid on fulfilling your farm input requirements

No 🐮💩 Price Checking

A powerful easy-to-use platform

Let our AI wizard know what you were quoted for a price and it'll tell you how it stacks up ✅ or ⛔

Seed Matchmaker

Variety matching

Why not simplify the process with an easy-to-use tool that helps you find matching variety tags and potentially save money? 

Price Finder

Get the lowest
prices effortlessly

Looking for products to arrive at your farm for the most competitive price? We'll handle the bidding process with dozens of suppliers for your input needs and inform you of the lowest price available.


Our users seem to like us

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have used us 

I just had to take a moment and thank the team behind Input Scout. My local supplier was about 30% higher compared to the bid you got me.


Farmer - Iowa

This is truly the power of what you can do when everyone pools their their information together to help each other out in ag.


Farmer - Minnesota

I was a little worried about going with an online solution for inputs but Input Scout delivered. Everything went smoothly and saved me about $20,000.


Farmer - South Dakota

Input Scout just pulled the curtains aback on one of the biggest smoke and mirror shows in agriculture and that was input price transparency. Thank you



Signing up with Input Scout was simple, free and allowed my husband and I to expand our on-farm chemical business.



You can tell Input Scout was build by a farmer. No fluff or run around just a straight to the point useful tool for everyone to use.


Framer - Iowa

Expense Saver

A single, powerful, easy-to-use platform

Discover the reasons why others love using Input Scout - whether it's to ensure transparency with suppliers on pricing or to leverage our price finder tool, helping them save up to 40% on their input needs.